
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Nike's 3D-printed uppers create super lightweight, custom shoes - Digital Trends

Nike's 3D-printed uppers create super lightweight, custom shoes - Digital Trends

Digital Trends

Nike's 3D-printed uppers create super lightweight, custom shoes
Digital Trends
Nike is no stranger to innovation when it comes to crafting the perfect shoe and now it has taken its quest to a new level. This week, the athletic company introduced Flyprint, a 3D-printed textile upper for your sneaker. It's the first of its kind and ...
Nike's 3D-printed textiles make running shoes even lighterEngadget
Nike Flyprint is a 3D printed textile upper for shoesSlashGear
Nike Uses 3D-Printing to Create a Crazy Light, See-Through ShoeRunner's World
3D Printing Industry -Footwear News -Nike News
all 24 news articles »

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